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Ramillies Hall Nursery

Ramillies Hall


Babies Department

At Ramillies Hall Nursery,  the children are taught and cared for in 3 separate departments, according to their age with each group occupying their own building.

Oak House is a single storey building overlooking our front lawns, set among trees and is where our dedicated team of practitioners looks after babies from 9 months to approximately 2 years.

At the front of the building are 2 large playrooms, each with a distinctive but homely feel.  The Baby room is designed to be a home from home for our younger babies where they can be nurtured in cosy spaces and learn to explore the bigger spaces whether crawling, shuffling or taking their first steps.    The room opposite provides for our “waddlers”,  those babies who are a little more mobile and ready to take on the challenges of the slide or play imaginatively in the home corner. 

The building also contains a nappy changing room and separate rooms for sleeping either in cots or on sleep mats on the floor.  The Kitchen provides a cosy dining area where children sit either at low tables or in high chairs.   Finally, there is a beautiful sensory room where children experience awe and wonder at the display of lights, range of textures and relaxing soft textiles and can explore a range of treasure baskets for sensory play.

Throughout the day,  babies are able to explore their environment through self chosen activities, interspersed with adult led activities such as music, singing, dancing, stories, cooking and craft activities. There are opportunities for sensory play, sand, water, play dough, natural materials and construction.  We work in partnership with parents so that we can follow babies’ routines in terms of sleep and to begin with meal times.  This partnership begins with a pre-entry meeting and then settling in sessions before a child starts with us fully.

The nursery benefits from extensive grounds and all the departments make the most of the opportunities for getting children outside. Our babies enjoy playing on the front lawn in their own little play garden as well as visiting our large playing fields or going in the buggies to the village.

If you choose Ramillies, you won’t be disappointed.  We have a fantastic team of practitioners with a good level of qualifications and all trained in Paediatric first aid. All baby room staff have training specific to caring for babies and our department leader has been with us over 20 years.