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Ramillies Hall Nursery

Ramillies Hall


Fees and Funding

The nursery is open 50 weeks of the year, 5 days a week excluding bank holidays.  We close over the Christmas period and for a week at the end of August.   We offer 50 week – all year round – contracts or 39 week – term time only- contracts.  Our normal opening times are 8.00 am – 6.00 pm, but we also offer a ‘breakfast club’ facility at an additional charge between 7.30 and 8.00.  We currently offer attendance pattern of 2, 3, 4 or 5 whole days.  


For information about current fees, please contact the nursery for  more information.  Normal fees will be charged for any child who is not in receipt of Government funding and for any hours which are not covered by the funding for those who are in receipt of funding.  

Government Funding Schemes 

As a registered provider, we are able to offer the 15 hours universal Government funding to all children from the start of the term following their third birthday for up to 38 weeks of the year.    We are also able to offer places subsidised by the 30 hour funding offer  for eligible working parents also for up to 38 weeks of the year.    This funding covers childcare only and does not cover meals, extracurricular activities and special events. Therefore, we make an additional sustainability charge for these items.  The funded hours can be used fairly flexibly, i.e. we don’t restrict the number of hours a day, however we do require a minimum attendance of 30 hours where children are in receipt of 30 hour funding.  Both the 15-hour funding and 30-hour funding are spread across 12 months for all year-round children.   

Until September 2025 working parents are able to claim 15 hour funding over 38 weeks from the next funding period following the point at which a child turns 9 months i.e. 1st January, 1st April or 1st September.  The conditions for qualifying for this funding are the same as for the extended entitlement for 3 and 4 year olds.  This offer will extend to 30 hours over 38 weeks from 1st September 2025.  

Currently we offer up to 15 hours Government funding to those disadvantaged 2-year-olds who meet the qualifying criteria.   (These children may not qualify for the funding for children of working parents). 

More information about Government subsidised childcare can be found on the website  

Tax Free Childcare 

Working parents can receive up to £2000 per child, per year, for children under the age of 12 by taking advantage of the Government’s Tax-Free Childcare Scheme.  As an approved provider, we can accept payment via this method.   More information about this can be found at